Saturday, March 21, 2009

tall buildings shake, voices escape.

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After a week of sunshine, we had heard dark rumors of rain this weekend; however after a short lived, rainy stint this morning, it seemed like clear weather was here to stay. At precisely a quarter past 11, it has started raining again in Shanghai and oh how it's started! All day today the air was warm and humid but nothing could have even started to hint at the ferocity in which this sudden lightening storm has struck.

It's as if Shanghai suffers from weather bulimia, binged itself on too many a blue sky during the week and is now spewing its guts out. One minute you're getting ready to go out on a Saturday night, next minute you're nervously watching flashes of white light explode across the sky followed by bangs and cracks so loud and sharp that your entire apartment shakes. The clouds above are like massive water balloons that are now being popped all over the city. It's literally raining buckets.

In the face of this sudden downpour my evening plans have been thrown a big, wet curveball. Rather than meeting J and A at Logo, I have instead switched on my Light playlist in iTunes (Belle and Sebastian, Sade, Air, Wilco, Death Cab and a dash of Elliot Smith), shoved a load of laundry in the machine, started on a book I've been meaning to read and, just in the last two minutes, become a human sofa for my cat Simon. All in all, it feels like it's a pretty good start for a now washed out Saturday night. Happy rainy season everyone! xo.

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