Monday, March 2, 2009

new home

Ahhhh, the early days of March. Despite the (still) dreary weather, I'm keeping the faith alive that this month will be way better than the last. Considering the fact that February totally kicked my ass, it shouldn't be too hard a goal to reach. New month, new changes. First and foremost, I have moved accounts, departments and desks. I'm back to Accounts working on Coca Cola (Atlanta holla back!). New account = new desk or in my case, my old desk back on the 4th floor next to the illustriously mean spirited Jenn Wong.

I spent the majority of the morning redecorating my old desk or "nesting" as Jenn oh so cleverly commented. Everything has been put into it's original place, although my mini food collection has expanded quite a bit over the last few months I was up on the 5th floor and I seem to have accumulated a kind of unhealthy number of wooden magnets. Anyways, I'm all moved in and ready to rock it.

Our friend Yaya has made the switch to Accounts and has moved down to our table for six as well. It's all girls at the table except for Sosuke, a Japanese planner prone to sarcasm and the occasional (and totally awesome) ranting emails written in all caps. As a result, the 4th floor today has been filled with an abnormal amount of gossip followed by cackling. Queen bee!

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