Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Every Person In New York

Jason Polan's new project has him drawing a person in New York every day. By emailing him your whereabouts on any given day, you have a chance of being drawn and displayed on his site. Another lovely example of how websites are increasingly giving people an outlet to be "anonymously famous."

I've been thinking a lot lately how the evolution of websites has moved so rapidly from simple user interactions (think web game banners where you try to hit a monkey w/ a mallet) to involving the user in a very personal and intimate way (think Uniqlo's latest Utweet campaign goes into your twitter and makes a mini music vid using your and your friend's tweets and icons).

Just in looking at the campaigns that are currently gaining a lot of traction, feel like the next wave in viral marketing will be videos/websites that makes the user the star vs. just a participant. After all, who doesn't want their 15 minutes of fame?

Posted via web from eatdrink's posterous

1 comment:

  1. i think youtube and other video websites are based on this model. However, with the number of uploaded videos explodes, it is hard for audience to find out quality videos. And therefore, it is important for video websites to provide a strategy promoting online stars.

    One way, i think they can do is offering premium accounts to users who want expose themselves to the public. The website could promote them by posting their videos on the homepage frequently.
